A very well-considered piece, Rodrigo, and an interesting insight from the other side of the fence.
I don't think I could ever own a pub open to others, as I'm too fussy about the kind of style I like. I know that's a fault in me, but it would just be frustrating for me and/or contributors to go through the whole process.
And I have submitted to one pub where one of the editors wanted to make dozens of changes which were, in my opinion, either entirely unnecessary, or in fact failed to understand the point and emphasis I was conveying.
I made the changes, simply because it was ultimately easier than withdrawing the story and placing it elsewhere, but never submitted to them again. Which was a shame, as another editor there was fine.
In the end, it's a writer's market - there are plenty of pubs out there.
Except when it comes to boosting pubs, who hold the whip hand. This is one of the problems I find with the boost programme in its current state - it forces writers to submit to certain pubs, and gives them excessive power - should they so wish - to be unnecessarily demanding.
In the end, The Dude's right. And you simply can't argue with that...