And is the post part of a roadsign? If they remove the roadsign, say, and repurpose the post to mount a surveillance camera (because there just never seem to be enough of them, do there?), then clearly it is no longer 'roadsign'. It has no intrinsic 'roadsigniness'.
But if the border betwen the two squares suggests that there may be a bracket belonging to the sign itself which slightly protrudes into the square with just the post..?
If the bracket remains attached to the roadsign when they take it down, does that make it part of the sign? Even if they then remove it, out of sight of the post?
People spend seven years majoring in Philosophy at college debating these things, and any two of them would give you three different answers.
I'd rather they just all scanned my retina, even if it meant having to walk round permanently with those clip things they fitted to Malcom McDowell in A Clockwork Orange just to use a candy bar vending machine.