Exactly. I could be posting diligently on Substack - and diligence seems very much to be required, like a full-time job - for 2 years and I wouldn't expect to make as much as I did in a bad month in 2024 on Medium.
But it could still feel more satisfying, because I would expect the progression to go from $0 and 0 followers subscribers in week 1 to maybe $10 and a few hundred subs 6 months later, then perhaps the dizzy heights of $100 (unlikely, but possible if I somehow strike a chord with enough wealthy fools) and a couple of thousand two years after that.
Whereas on Medium my story earnings (excluding nomination fees) were up at $200 after 2-3 months, then over $1000 a year later, and are now to $100 for Jan.
Same point on the graph after 2 years, maybe. But a completely different curve.
I'm too old for rollercoasters. Especially ones that feel like they haven't been bolted together properly.