Having previously lived here during the peseta era (coins with holes in the middle!), I moved back to Spain for good on the 3rd or 4th of January 2002, days after the Euro notes and coins came into circulation (and when we still widely used physical currency).
Queues in shops were massive and slow-moving, as people (especially the elderly) fished around in purses trying to work out the coins.
There was a fair bit of price gouging, as 1 euro 'felt' like it should be the equivalent of 100 pesetas, but was in fact 166.
You'd see cafés that had put the price of a cup of coffee up from 80 pesetas to the equivalent of 100, proclaiming 'coffee only 60 cents', which initially seemed like a bargain until people adjusted.
No one could get their heads round house prices for years - everything was still being discussed in millions of pesetas for long after the changeover happened.