Hi, Mike. I can't follow those links as they are within your private 'stats' area. Are they draft articles, or already self-published? Haiti is of interest - for all the wrong reasons, sadly - but unless the piece looks at its interaction with its Spanish-speaking Caribbean neighbours, I don't feel it would be right for the publication, at least at this stage. The Caribbean is a tricky one - I should perhaps extend the pub's reach to include the whole region, for historical and geographical reasons (the capital of Spanish-named Trinidad is Port of Spain, after all) but in terms of identity would rather keep the focus narrower for now.
The Dominican Republic would certainly be of interest, if you have a piece about the country specifically, or the island it shares with Haiti and the relationship between them.
It would be great if someone set up a 'Francophonie' pub along similar lines to Iberospherical. Maybe that already exists, though I've never come across it.
Anyway, if you can share the draft link to the Dominican Republic piece, I'll take a look. Thanks.