Hi, Simon. I've just been reminded of this month's theme by Terry Barr's Eraserhead piece.
It's kind of irrelevant at this stage, but I had thought about proposing Mike Hodges' 1980 Flash Gordon film. I realised I probably wouldn't have time to meet the deadline, and a quick check suggested viewing it in Spain would prove tricky, so I ditched the idea - my battered VHS copy long since disappeared, and I haven't owned a VHS player for decades anyway.
Anyway, if I manage to get hold of a digital copy in the summer, I may submit a standalone piece, as it's a film that had real generational family significance for my dad, sister and myself which I think could make for a good story.
No one else seems to have picked it for cult film month - philistines!
Max von Sydow, Brian Blessed, Topol, Blue Peter and James Bond on the same strip of celluloid! How can you match that?