I don't follow your logic here, Ariel.
Story is nominated, but rejected. That means Editor saw its quality, but Curator said 'no, I don't think the quality is good enough'.
Readers said 'yes, quality was good enough'.
How is that not a misjudgement by Curator?
It didn't harm the story, but it was objectively the wrong call. Sure, that happens. But it should be a lesson for Curator to refine their judgement in future.
Now, it is possible that Curator said 'no' because it wasn't the kind of story Medium wants in its shop window (too smutty, too trashy), but was popular regardless (because people like smut and trash).
In that case it makes sense to say 'they were both right' - Editor that it would prove a hit, and Curator that it wasn't the right fit for Boost promotion so as not to scare off new readers/sully the platform's image.
Is that what you mean?