I guess you could post something headed "The reason why veterans always end up homeless", for example.
It's obviously untrue that all veterans end up homeless, and plenty of successful ex-servicefolk will show up to tell you how wrong you are.
But it's also true that homelessness is a known issue disproportionately affecting those leaving military service, so it's a vaguely credible stance.
It also plays into the Left/Right divide: you'll have those on the Left saying there should be better public housing provision, but also that veterans are babykillers and deserve what they get.
And from the Right that they are the protectors of the nation and deserve every honour and assistance, but also that the USA is based on self-help - handouts are for Commies.
Plus there is actual academic research into issues of homelessness, addiction, mental health problems and poverty among veterans, so you can throw in a skewed sample from that, and those in the know (or who think they are) will pile in to show off how you got it wrong and their interpretation of the data is correct.
Before you know it, you've stirred up an online hornet's nest.
If that's what you want to do.