I guess you have applied for the Boost Pilot, Carol, in which case I wouldn't think it will take long to get approved, as both you and your writers clearly have the experience, and Curation know that, plus it's a popular niche not extensively covered.
As you'll see once you're in, there is a certain mismatch between what you are told you should do regarding work in other pubs, and what makes practical sense - I think people are going with the practical approach, and seemingly getting little/no pushback from Curation, so I guess the system's working.
How it scales up from 130 nominators to several hundred and ultimately the ambition of 1000 remains to be seen.
There are practical mechanics that don't currently exist but will need to be put in place, some of which would reveal secret info more widely (simply what has been boosted, by whom, and when, to avoid overlaps), which management might not want out in the open to avoid system gaming.
All very interesting - which suits me, as I'm still quite fed up with writing.