I sometimes find myself reminiscing about my early days online, back around the turn of the millennium. It felt like a vast land to explore, discover, picking up rocks at random, turning them over and then running off after the millipede that scampered out from underneath. So much information at our fingertips. Like being a kid sitting in a huge library surrounded by books, no time pressure, able to put one down, pick up another, from this revolving carousel that magically served up the next one you needed to pursue that idea.
Then at some point it went bad. Overcommercialised, overcrowded, overwhelming.
But places like this can still serve as reminders of those early days, when Wikipedia was just being set up, when Google just was a clean, efficient search engine with 'Don't be evil' as its motto.
If, and it's an IF the size of an elephant that's sucking the oxygen out of the room, the bots and AI content can be fought off.