I think it's important to bear in mind that poetry is not just about the meaning, but also the sound and rhythm of the words, that - when done effectively - can serve to highlight the meaning, through emotive devices.
Maybe you should try (or probably already have, and hated...) live poetry readings, maybe by actors rather than the poets themselves.
I have a slightly similar attitude towards opera, and also musicals. Just tell me the goddamn story in proper words!
But I could maybe see myself being won over by a compelling enough live performance.
Flamenco music is another one - it can sound like a scalded alley cat on record. But go to a good tablao and see a live performance - oh my god! The most intense cultural experience you can imagine.
'Now it makes sense!' you say to yourself. Then buy the CD on the way out, and hate it when you put it on back home.