I think that technically, if there's a full moon just after the equinox on Saturday March the 21st, then Easter Sunday would be the 22nd, and Palm Sunday the 15th. Utterly crazy. And devastating for Guinness (and fluffy green top hat) sales if anyone took any notice of the rules.
You'll have to pen some heartstring-tugging, tear-jerking, emotionally actionable zingers about Venezuela to boost your earnings.
BTW, you may want to check out A-Culturated, a pub that's just been added to the Boost programme, who deal in 'intercultural' stories, such as bilingual folk, long-term residents in a foreign country.
Englishman in France stories might be a good fit there.
I posted my thoughts about the Boost on All About M the other day - for what they're worth, which is little. Very hard to get a handle on what editors want, and what curators are approving.