I think that's a very generous interpretation of the CEO's actions. As CEO you are ultimately responsible for your firm's reputation. That's what you get the big bucks for. If you know there's a serious problem, you don't shoot your mouth off until you know what the issue is, and can present a clear path to resolving it. Communication and Crisis Management 101. If I were on the board, or a major shareholder, I'd want his bollocks for a bowtie.
And then you have the issue of 'fixing the problem'. How? The inhouse dev team have rolled out a dashboard and data backend that aren't even remotely fit for purpose. This bot problem is one that by definition they failed to foresee, or failed to make robust provisions for.
Can they really fix it now?
And the management that signed off on the live release of a pre-beta hot mess? With the massive Medium Day fanfare like they'd just cured cancer? How can anyone have faith in them to oversee the process?