I think this is an important point to self-monitor. I definitely found it useful in my first 6 months or so here to write a lot. To get into a habit and routine, and experiment with different pubs, different genres and styles, writing more serious or sillier stuff, non-fiction, fiction, poetry...
That was helpful as a way of exploring the platform and its community as widely as possible, building a smallish readership in different areas, and above all working out what I then wanted to focus on more.
It's that transition and reflection which is maybe the tricky part to judge and time, like when you go to college and sign up to all the clubs and societies. Then realise that you (a) don't have time for all of them, and (b) only ever had a superficial interest in many.
It's worth giving all avenues a go, but you need to know when to step back and decide where your real interests and focus lie, to make the most of those pursuits, rather than becoming indiscriminately fed up of the whole scene.