Let's hope you do. But it's just a sugar rush, before everything slumps back to where you first started. I'm trying to remain optimistic - and I'm sure your niche and pub have much greater potential to strike an ongoing chord with the Medium readership - but my will is flagging, and I am becoming increasingly jaundiced and dyspeptic:
That said, it's a good thing in a way. Maybe. I have just created a new document for the latest version of what should be my novel (only 30 years after I set about trying to write one), and for the first time I found myself adding'_v1' to the file name, an acknowledgement that yes, I will have to write and delete and rewrite and edit if it is to become a viable entity. I've always shied away from that. The frustrations of Medium have perhaps made me realise that I need to knuckle down and just do it.