Maybe. But in my case the whole thing has had the opposite effect. I've had boosts, seen that they bring me a few more dollars, but relatively little in terms of organic reach for other pieces. They're a cheap sugar high. And I've dutifully stuck with particular themes, styles and pubs, and seen them ignored. If Medium wants to encourage 'more like this' from boosted writers, it needs to trace a reliable and visible path forward. But it has failed to do that.
It's like working your day off and not getting an overtime bonus.
So now I'm just writing what I feel like, where I feel like, which means pubs where I get quick publication and positive engagement from a hardcore clique.
I actually started boring myself with my 'boostable formula'. It worked often enough to show that I knew what I was doing. Not nearly often enough to show that the editors or curators did.
My unwritten policy is 'if a pub boosts me, I'll send them two or three more in that vein. Work of similar quality and contextual appropriateness. If the fish don't bite, I'll stop going to that lake.'
Especially if they start getting all hoity-toity and up themselves. Which seems to be another rising trend. Yet another psychological failing of the system that the planners of its mechanics failed to anticipate, in my not so humble opinion.