'Mixed' in the sense that 'some people think it's a bit daft, and others that it's utterly batshit'!
Starrmer's (well, his soundbite-writing team's) line about 'scrabbling around in the toy box for ideas' is beautifully judged, conveying childishness, desperation, petulance, lack of foresight and planning.
I noticed yesterday he also used it to describe CCHQ attempts to portray him as 'tried' and 'low energy'. So long as he doesn't overdo it, it's a great rebuttal line for the campaign.
Cartoonists already tend to portray Sunak as physically small - because he is - but it would be inappropriate to make explicit reference to that, as Labour have in the recent past. It sounds like playground bullying.
But giving them a line which indirectly encourages everyone to think of Sunak as an inadequate child in short trousers is tactically astute.