Something will certainly have to happen with the numbers that current nommers are getting boosted. If they go from 60 to 600 nommers, for example, as suggested, then either the boost is 10 times less effective, because the algo spreads it more thinly, or non-boosted pieces completely disappear, or current nommers have to have their 20 per month (and 900 bucks) cut significantly, or fewer nominations are accepted. However, that last point would require more curators on the Medium payroll, which is specifically what they don't want, I think (like any cost-cutting corporation massaging its bottom line in preparation for a possible sale (as rumoured)).
However they do it, the roll-out of the Boost is going to annoy almost as many people as (or more than) the initial introduction.
Oops. Good job the Medium comms team are such geniuses, from the CEO down...