Sounds like you should have held out for more. Guy I know fell down some stairs in a restaurant in LA, drunk and drugged as you like, entirely his fault. Got 20,000 bucks off them (I think there was a handrail missing where by law there should have been one, or it was 10 cm lower than the regulatory height or some bullshit that an ambulance-chasing attorney got his gnashers into), bought a plot of land in Belize and set up a campsite, where he lives to this day.
And his name isn't John McAfee.
Obviously, as McAfee is now dead, and bizarrely enough his corpse has been stuck in a morgue freezer in Barcelona for two years or so.
And then there was that Canadian 'socialite' and the cop manslaughter backrub story.
I don't think expats in Belize do 'run of the mill' life stories somehow.
There may be a teachable point in there somewhere.
Maybe you should have bought a one-way ticket to Belize with your 1,000 bucks and lived off the outlandish novel plots, Carol.
Next time, maybe. There's always a next time.