Thanks, Ann. In the interests of accuracy, I should perhaps have put 'wallow in a flotation tank of Alhambra 1925 beer'. But that might not have quite the same zen-like quality.
Oh, by the way, I'm toying with the idea of setting up a new pub (groans all round!) putatively entitled 'Iberospherical' and dedicated to all things concerning Spain, Portugal, the lands where those languages are spoken, their cultures, languages, and their interactions with English-speaking cultures.
Or something.
I was thinking that you would be one of the (few) writers I am familiar with here who might be open to being tagged in the initial 'call for submissions' shout-out.
Does that sound like something you might want to contribute to? Even if only on a very occasional basis? I probably won't have time to set it up for a while yet anyway, and expect (hope) it will be pretty low volume at least to begin with, as I don't have time to wear an editor's hat for more than an hour or so a day, max.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on the matter.
¡Hasta luego!