Thanks, Debdutta. I always try where possible to spin a new idea off, or offer a personal perspective on what the writer had to say.
I was actually thinking about writing an article 'How to Write Comments', analysing some of my own comments on a given story, and explaining how I try to give them substance. But then I thought - 'Get over yourself! That's such a dumb, bossy, preachy thing to do!'.
I actually think it could be quite an interesting exercise. But I know I'd feel to embarrassed to hit 'Publish', so I don't think I'll bother to actually set my thoughts down in writing.
I guess it's one of those points where it would be helpful to be in a Discord group, to bounce the idea off others and see if they think it's worthwhile. I must do that.
But going back over past comments is worth it, I think. It usually seems a dumb idea to have them listed with our stories. Like a library of shopping lists or gallery of doodles. But in this case it actually turns out to be really helpful.