Thanks for the clarification, Harris. That makes the numbers rather interesting. If nommers are hitting a mean just a fraction shy of 70%, that means many are at 70 or over. Which according to some of the bragposting nommers is the point at which the limit of 20/month no longer applies. Or was it 75%? In any event if the mean sits at 68.something , a significant number would be expected to be hitting 75% as well.
And 106 nommers in total suggests the roll-out has slowed down (wasn't it already at 60-odd back in Aug-Sep?).
Which in turn suggests a possible Boost pivot to increase not the number of nommers, but the number nommed per existing nommer, as a way of extending the programme.
If that's the case, I don't think it will prove particularly popular, for various reasons which I imagine the inhouse staff can intuit.