'The Beard' has been claimed by former Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy, at least in the form of 'El Barbas'. And since his PP party was taking grift from construction firms and handing it out in undeclared cash payments to its workers, I think he counts as a quasi-Mafia don figure.
Though oddly enough, he has now gone back to his day job as a Companies Registrar - the other day I was sent a routine corporate translation, and whose signature should be at the bottom of the Registry certification but one 'M. Rajoy Brey'. Weird seeing an ex head of state doing an (absurdly cushy and well-paid, it has to be said) desk job, rather than spending their time on hour-a-month non-exec directorships and Caribbean beaches.
Mysterious guy - Tony 'the Beard' has a lot to live up (down?) to.