The limit is 2 per month, so as a nominator you obviously take what's given, and self-nom 2 of your own best pieces. Why wouldn't you? So you may end up with 0, 1 or 2 boosts of your own bat. I'm kind of OK with this (but then I would be, right?), since nominating does take time that we would otherwise have free to spend on our own writing. And it makes sense for nominators to be picked from among those considered to be good writers with a pub in a particular niche. If we couldn't nominate our own pieces, we would have no incentive to keep supplying our own pubs with our own quality content, as it could never be boosted (as other nommers are told to steer clear of nomming pubs for their picks).
However, I disagree with the mechanism of being paid for picking our own stuff, and also getting the enhanced earnings. It should be one or the other: we get the $45 flat rate finder's fee, but the same earnings rate as standard, or - my preferred option in the interests of fairness (and simplicity) - we get boosted earnings, but no $45 fee.
The double reward feels wrong. Not so wrong that I'm going to look that gift horse in the mouth, of course.