The story of Portugal's maritime and trading empire is a really interesting one, I feel, Rui. A very different geographical approach, from a much smaller home country. A little like the Dutch, perhaps - dotting interests across the globe, rather than going for one big block.
If you fancy writing an article about that it would be great for Iberospherical!
BTW, I haven't got round to joining Babel as a writer, though I've been reading some great stuff there and have nominated a couple of pieces.
Would you add me to the roster? I can't promise much, as I'm spread a little thin at the moment, but will try to send something in.
One 'problem' I have is that I tend to submit language/translation pieces to A-Culturated, as I know I have a good chance of being boosted there, which makes such a difference. Have you applied to join the BPP with Babel?
I've been moaning since last year that one of the problems as the programme is rolled out is that it creates two tiers of publication, since writers naturally gravitate towards boosters, making it harder for non-boosters to gain traction in the same fields. I feel bad for prioritising Boost pubs, and try to submit a few pieces elsewhere to others I have a good relationship with, but it's a frustrating system they've set up.
Anyway, I would like to contribute to Babel if you add me. I should have a little more spare time once the school holidays start in 4 weeks. Feel free to reply by private note if you prefer not to discuss Boost stuff in open comments.