There is an English version of the test - I sometimes translate the new questions for the Directorate-General of Transport. They added a new batch recently about smartphones, GPS and electric scooters.
Many of the questions are ridiculous: either obscure technical details that are of complete irrelevance, or just basic common sense phrased in an entirely counterintuitive manner.
So, pop quiz, hotshot: What is the maximum mass per axle permitted on a semi-light trailer with independent braking?
BTW, the lack of reciprocal arrangements with countries I think tends to be because either they don't trust the authorities there not to hand out licences for 100 dollars in a brown envelope (kind of fair enough), or the test isn't deemed to be of equivalent rigour.
Can you get a full licence in the US just by taking a test with an automatic? If so, that would perhaps be the sticking point. Otherwise, it will just be bloody-mindedness on one side or the other.
The multiple choice mantra of 'if in doubt, choose the longest answer, or otherwise C' seems to work pretty well as far as I recall.