There is an option to do the test in an automatic, which qualifies you only to drive automatics.
Tough to find driving schools that have dual-control automatics to take the test in, though if they have them anywhere, I guess Barcelona would be near the top of the list.
That niche option is likely to become more viable as everyone shifts to EVs and the need for manual gear-changing goes out with the choke, the crank handle, and the guy walking in front with the red danger flag.
The driving test set-up is also a bit of a scam - examiners are all ex-driving school employees, or vice versa, so although technically you can rock up having taken no classes but with years of experience as a driver, don't expect to pass until you've shoved a few hundred euros to a driving school.
The theory test is available in English - I sometimes translate new questions for the Directorate-General of Traffic. They recently came up with a new batch about phones, GPS navigation systems and the like. So you need an up-to-date text book or classes just in case.