These stats are interesting, Maria, as they are pretty much the same as Iberopsherical in terms of views and reads, and also boosts (I think we maybe had 6?). And about the same number of stories during the month, I think - 20 or so?
But Iberospherical only has 350 followers - less than a quarter of A-Culturated's total.
Which really seems to suggest that as with personal followers, pub follower counts have very little influence on distribution. Why does 'following' even exist as a thing on Medium? It seems hardly to be used by the algorithm.
I was looking at The Riff's home page earlier. They have 16K pub followers, and are an established voice on Medium for the 'music' category, with boosting rights.
But non-boosted stuff there gets fewer views than AI listicle crap. Surely 16,000 followers with an interest in music should do something to bring readers to an article about, say, Taylor Swift or Elvis Presley (hardly obscure names!), even if not boosted?
I just don't get it.