This is a undoubtedly a healthy way to view tech sector employment, in terms of protecting oneself ab initio against the pain and hurt of redundancy. But I do wonder whether such an approach on the part of the sector - abetted, of course, by lamentably poor US employment legislation, which is a matter for the nation's electorate and its choice of political representatives, in which i try not to become too involved as an outsider - might not have something to do with the lack of social responsibility shown by its businesses, seeing people merely as disposable and fungible items.
I suppose that's simply capitalism in general, but it does seem to be accelerated and exacerbated the more a company has a purely technological focus, and less physical presence and plant.
Ultimately, we all become simply 0s and 1s in someone's - or something's - cloud.
Beyond such philosophising, back in the real world of real people with real feelings, thank you, Ariel, for your input and support through the Boost Pilot. As I have said before, your attitude of reaching out frankly towards 'users', in other words people, from within a corporation which in my opìnion has serious (and deliberate?) problems in terms of both transparency and communication, was greatly appreciated and valued by this very small cog in the mechanism.
I wish you the very best of luck in your future and ongoing endeavours!