This reminds me of when Germany picked footballer Stefan Kuntz for the 1994 World Cup. The pundits were falling over backwards to give his vowel an exaggerated 'oooo' sound. It was like listening to a Spanish or Brazilian commentator scream 'Goooooool'.
There was also the whole thing with the planet Uranus in the 1980s when Voyager 2 passed by. It had always been 'your anus' [cue snickers at the back of the classroom] for Patrick Moore, but in the mid 80s Heather Couper became the face and voice of astronomy in the UK for a while, and either by her own decision, or more likely her media paymasters', once the planet was regularly in the news it was stressed on the first syllable for a time. Once V'ger II had passed into the outer solar system, it seemed gradually to regain its previous double entendre, including in the Beastie Boys' Intergalactic.
Gotta fight for your right to Pluto.