To be honest, I feel that music festivals, and other cultural events, should be quite low down the list when it comes to feelings of carbon guilt. They fulfil a vital social function, and are a necessary cost.
In many ways, simply 'being powered by electricity' fulfils a large part of the responsibility - as consumers we can and should try to influence the generating mix of our national grids (and interconnections) through our choice of provider, but ultimately it is the task of government to establish the large-scale incentives and disincentives for power companies.
Our house is entirely powered by electricity - it would therefore always be 'carbon-free' if the grid were, and often is.
But when the sun has gone down on our solar panels, if the price of gas, carbon credits and the remuneration for renewable generation mean that companies are better off burning gas than using hydro at night, that's not our fault - it's the national government's and the European Commission's.