Yeah, I just lost the enthusiasm for the whole thing. The real killer was this staff article (and doubling down from other staff members in support) gushing about all these 'viral' new users. It really made me feel like this wasn't the place I wanted to be, and that there was no momentum to be found.
I'd be happier if I'd never got boosted, if no one had. If you could just keep writing and gradually expand your readership organically, as happened in the first few months.
I'm too old for rollercoasters!
My plan had been just to write two pieces a month on Iberospherical to sef-nom, and hope to get at least one boosted, just to make it worthwhile on balance, and to keep the pub alive.
I did that at the start of August, and got 1 out of 2 accepted.
But come September, it felt like such a long time that it was even harder to motivate myself. Like I would have to care more than I really did. And it would seem like I was making a big point by posting again, like it was Take That getting back together or something.
I have a list of half a dozen pieces I wouldn't mind writing, in my niche, so they have a chance of being allowed under the 'expert' formula.
I guess I need that student exam deadline of the end of the month to trigger me into action. Don't know if it will work. And if my two pieces get knocked back - because who knows what they are looking for now? - I guess I really will call it a day, and just keep publishing other people's stuff if they send it in.
We shall see.
Don't watch this space...
Good luck with everything.