Yeah, I've been getting that a little. I said in a comment to Philip Ogley a few weeks back that 'when I start boring myself, I'll stop with my boostable language/culture pieces, and start writing stuff that I find more fun'. I'm not sure that moment hasn't already arrived, which is a bit of a pain. I get bored of stuff quickly, in a 'done that - what's next?' kind of way. But I always find some way of putting off the 'next' that I feel I ought to be doing, something more substantial.
Congratulations on getting a novel done and published, Zivah! That remains pending for me. But I no longer think I believe in novels. I haven't read one for years.
It is hard here to find something that fills you with joy, but is also read and appreciated by enough people to give a sense of reward and satisfaction. I, for one, need that. Earnings don't bother me - read numbers and comments do. And I haven't found that except through the trickery of the boost.
Still a work in progress. Which is something, I guess.