Yes, and I think that's something that the UK and USA, for example have forgotten about, having been seeing first-generation migranst arrive in droves for centuries in the case of the USA, and in large numbers for decades in the UK.
I live in Spain where it is a relatively new phenomenon: people arriving with or without work and residency permits, from Latin America (somewhat easier for them) and North and West Africa.
Their kids are now in school, largely integrated, and at age 18 will in theory have the same opportunities to work or study as their 'Spanish' contemporaries.
We may end up with a racist, nativist government coalition in a month's time, which is these days just a heartbeat away in any European country, but there is a limit to the harm they can cause to those already here, who are a big part of the future of the labourforce and the social security contributions that pay the pensions of the right wing's voters.